Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, (coordinator) - (CHARITE)

The CHARITÉ – UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLIN is one of Europe’s largest University hospitals (about 18,000 employees, >1,000,000 patients/year).
The main clinical research topics of the Charité include regenerative medicine, neurology, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, rare diseases, immune disease, and transplantation. The following institutes are part of PROTO projects: BCRT is an interdisciplinary translational research center for regenerative therapies. It conducts research on the body’s own healing processes and develops new therapies and diagnostics. CMSC is the largest academic trauma and orthopedic center in Germany. As a university institution of maximum care for patients from home and abroad, it covers both the operative and conservative treatment of the entire spectrum of modern orthopaedics and trauma surgery. The JWI explores the interplay between mechanics and biology in bone and muscle. It concentrates on basic and applied research in the fields of orthopaedics and trauma surgery and focuses on translation of new innovative therapies from bench to patients and re-evaluates these in an iterative approach. Research and Innovation are a priority for Charitè. Regarding its fundraising ability, Charité is very active at both the national and the European level and, thanks to its scientific excellence, has gained a considerable experience in international and European research projects. Overall, in Horizon 2020, Charité has been involved in 125 funded projects, and in 7 acted as a coordinator.
Main Contacts

Tobias Winkler Project Coordinator
Tobias Winkler (Charité), Full Professor, Head of the Research Group for Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies within the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Berlin Institute of Health Center for Regenerative Therapies and Julius Wolff Institute of the Charité Berlin and an expert in orthopedic and trauma surgery.